As we end the first quarter of the 21st century, cybersecurity threats seem more daunting than ever. So what cyber trends, forecasts, themes, insights and predictions are on offer for the new year?
"I imagined writing a letter to the publishing company to extol my own virtues and to sell myself," said Paul McCartney.
When I first meet the fisherman Gerardo Delgado, he is sitting in his boat, surrounded by pelicans, off the shore of Lake ...
A new study finds nearly 50 hidden relatives of Pterodactylus, the first pterosaur. Joined by its newly discovered relatives, Pterodactylus's 'family' now encompasses tiny flaplings, a host of ...
The evasions and elisions that are inherent to the format—as here, with the cramming of four eventful years into just over ...
E.M. Forster’s motto was “only connect”. But what if the colonised and the coloniser cannot understand each other in any way?
In Ella Baxter’s new novel, being a creative genius is no excuse for bad behavior.