Animated adventure. In an alternate world where dinosaurs never became extinct, an apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend. Show more Animated adventure set in an alternate world ...
Which dinosaurs had feathers? Were they using them to fly? And once and for all – what are those ancient dinosaurs' ...
The gift shop is located in the museum and in the belly of the Apatosaurus, and includes a large variety of dinosaur toys and ... but it’s a fun stop for kids to stretch tired legs after long ...
Get ready to roar with excitement in Central New York. Kids of all ages will love these dinosaurs stomping into town.
Ancient Fossils, New Ideas opens January 25 at MOSI, Tampa’s Museum of Science & Industry, and it’s all about exploring what ...
The attraction features lifelike dinosaurs, including a towering T-Rex, 60-foot-long Spinosaurus and 80-foot-long Apatosaurus. Kids will be able to ride some of the animatronic dinosaurs ...
Here's how scientists know When you picture a dinosaur, what does it look like? Maybe you think of four-legged herbivores like Apatosaurus or Triceratops. Maybe you imagine large armored dinosaurs ...