The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
Chris Sanders, writer and director of The Wild Robot, spoke to TheWrap Magazine about creating the movie's big scene.
Balancing quality over quantity while combating worker crunch will pose challenges for the animation industry in 2025.
As 2024 fades to black, movie critics Rebecca Kivak and Joe Baress look back at the best and worst of the year in film.
Hitting number one at the box office is no easy feat, but doing so four weeks in a row almost seems like an impossibility for a live-action anime adaptation. Cells At Work has done the impossible as ...
Gints Zilbalodis tells Screen how his dialogue-free animation Flow proved to be a learning experience in more ways than one.
Run Hani" and other Korea-made animations are preparing to breathe new life into the 2025 theatrical landscape, seeking to ...
There are some lessons to be learned from what worked, including PG-rated and animated movies and re-releases, and what ...