Scientists have created a catalyst for hydrogen generation from ammonia that becomes more active with time, and by counting atoms revealed changes that boost the catalyst's performance.
Portable device extracts water vapor and nitrogen from air to make ammonia, slashing the carbon footprint of fertilizer production ...
Nitrogen-fixing using the Haber-Bosch method is in the news more and more, and there are important considerations to know.
Producing enough ammonia to feed the world comes with a large carbon footprint; a process described in a new UB-led study ...
Producing sufficient ammonia to sustain global food production carries a significant carbon footprint; a new UB-led study ...
Ab sofort nichts mehr verpassen: Unser Newsletter für die chemische Industrie, Analytik, Labor und Prozess bringt Sie jeden Dienstag und Donnerstag auf den neuesten Stand. Aktuelle Branchen-News, ...
27.06.2011 - Pflanzen benötigen Stickstoff für ihr Wachstum, sind allerdings nicht in der Lage, das in der Atmosphäre nahezu unbegrenzt verfügbare N2-Gas zu verwerten. Hierzu sind sie vielmehr auf ...
Kagiso Rabada and Corbin Bosch took contrasting paths to South Africa's senior team after starring together at the 2014 Under-19 World Cup•AFP/Getty Images "I take my hat off to my mum," Eathan ...
Researchers at the University at Buffalo have developed a new reactor that can produce ammonia directly from air and water — ...
Die chemische Ammoniaksynthese wurde 1910 von der deutschen Firma BASF entwickelt. Dieses Haber-Bosch-Verfahren wird bis heute durchgeführt und hat sich kaum verändert. Dabei wird mit großem ...
There's a good chance you owe your existence to the Haber-Bosch process. This industrial chemical reaction between hydrogen and nitrogen produces ammonia, the key ingredient in synthetic ...