The Wild Robot,” the story of a robot who gets shipwrecked on a deserted island and befriends the local wildlife, scored a leading 10 nominations Friday for the 52nd Annie Awards, recognizing the best ...
Halle Berry has two children, one with ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubrey and one with ex-husband Olivier Martinez, whom she ...
Nominations: 'The Wild Robot' triumphs with recognition in 10 categories, including Best Feature and Best Voice Acting.
Chris Sanders’ “ The Wild Robot ” from Dreamworks Animation leads the feature competition of the 52nd Annie Awards for ...
Dear Annie: I broke up with the mother of my children two years ago. We have had a very rocky past. I treated her badly for ...
How do I convey to my adult married children that I do not like being around my ex for the holidays? My son lives several states away, and he invited my daughter and her family, my ex, and my wife and ...