Find out exactly when to see the full moons of 2025, including dates for two total lunar eclipses and three supermoons.
Exciting January sky events include Quadrantid Meteor Shower, Moon occulting Pleiades, Venus at dichotomy, a full “Wolf Moon” ...
Of course, the waxing gibbous Moon’s bright light will likely wash out the cluster itself, but Mars is glowing at magnitude –0.9 just to the lower right of Moon, quickly brightening as it ...
This year, a waxing gibbous moon will affect visibility. The bright moonlight will make it harder to see faint meteors. NASA experts predict fewer meteors will be visible compared to previous years.
but perhaps the most precious kind of Moon is visible only on the few days on either side of New Moon. At this time, you'll also see a waxing or waning Crescent Moon close to the horizon, and it comes ...
Officially full at 4:01 a.m. EST this Sunday (Dec. 15), the full moon will be best seen rising in the east later that day at the time of moonrise where you are. It will be in the constellation ...
we will have a Waxing Gibbous Moon in the sky, just two days shy of Sunday night's Full Moon. With the amount of light the Moon will be casting that night, it will 'wash out' the sky to some ...
This year spectators will have to contend with a nearly full, bright waxing gibbous moon, which may spoil the best views of the meteors by outshining them, per experts. Named after Gemini because ...
The sky will offer up an early Christmas present this weekend: The year's final full moon, known as the cold moon, will appear early Sunday, Dec. 15. Though the moon will officially be full Sunday ...
As frosty temperatures fall over Central Indiana, the aptly named "Cold Moon" will shine ahead of the winter solstice. Here's what Hoosiers should know about December's full moon and other ...
Here’s everything you need to know about stargazing and sky-watching this week: Although the waxing gibbous moon dominates the night sky, it will still be possible to glimpse the Pleiades ...
Saturn will sidle up to the moon this weekend, as the pair make a close approach of each other in the cold night sky. Saturn will cozy up next to the moon today (Dec. 8), as the pair make a close ...