Bing Crosby once said the most difficult thing he ever did in his decades-long career was sing "White Christmas" to homesick ...
With the holiday right around the corner, many are "dreaming of a White Christmas," but will it happen this year in Kentucky?
Port Huron residents can expect a cool, but not cold Christmas this year with a slight chance of rain. The National Weather ...
Overall, a white Christmas is now a guarantee across much of the mountainous terrain of the West, including the Sierra Nevada ...
Several fast-moving storms are forecast to come through Lake Tahoe this weekend. Then, a larger winter storm likely arrives ...
A white Christmas means more than 1 inch of snow is on the ground on Christmas day, but how frequently does this occur?
A White Christmas contributes to the magic of the winter holiday, and some states have a better chance at snow than others.
Three-year-old Meilani Rogers plays in artificial snow at the North Carolina State Farmers Market. Experts weigh in on ...
New Jersey’s first family is once again Costa Rica-bound for a Christmas vacation — this one just before Gov. Phil Murphy ...
Two little piggies will not become Christmas Eve roast pork thanks to a holiday pardon they received from a Florida mayor.
Mickey Guyton hosts the time-honored tradition, "The National Christmas Tree Lighting," which features musical performances ...
Bing Crosby dreamed of it and Charles Dickens romanticized it, but the truth about a white Christmas in Britain may surprise ...