How does one earn a place on the chart of the likes of Hypatia, Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth I, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Diana, Princess of Wales, and other influential women in the world where the ...
In this day and age we have seen every fad under the sun touted to achieve vitality and wellbeing. Super-foods, best ever diets, intense exercise, calming exercise, and yet stress levels, depression ...
There is something very special about expressing from our essence that is beautifully beneficial to everyone – so what is it that at times stops us? Find out more in this short audio… "To return to ...
Inflammation in the lining of the wall of the arteries that supply the heart (called the coronary arteries) is a key process in the development of heart disease. As a result of the inflammatory ...
We all long for true intimacy, but how do we go there? How do we juggle work, family, relationships, and stay open to others? Being intimate in relationships always starts with yourself; the ...
Currently we have in medicine a way of thinking that revolves around our intellect and what we currently call our mind. We work on the model that our brain is the control centre of our nervous system ...