Brescia. In response to the neo-fascist demonstration on Friday 13 December, which took place in the streets of Brescia and ...
Desenzano del Garda. In the weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays, there is a considerable increase in the supply of ...
Brescia. The Board of the Brescia Chamber of Commerce has completed the renewal of its chamber organs with the election of the new Council for the ...
Brescia. In a maxi-operation against the ‘ndrangheta in Brescia, State Police investigators and Guardia di Finanza officers, coordinated by the Anti-Mafia District Directorate of the Brescia ...
Brescia. Thousands of people took part in demonstrations in Brescia and Milan in the past few hours against Bill 1660, known as DDL Sicurezza, currently under discussion in the Senate. A couple of ...
Brescia. About 400 adherents of extreme right-wing and ultra-nationalist movements paraded through the streets of Brescia on Friday evening, 13 December.
Brescia. The Polisportiva Bresciana No Frontiere kicks off the 14th edition of the International Paralympic Swimming Meeting, which will be held at the ...
Rome. Brescia, a symbolic city for the aluminium industry, was recognised as a landmark in the history of FACE (Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe) during the association’s 25th ...
L'assessore all'Ambiente Maione: sono stati approvati dalla Giunta regionale i nuovi valori limite. Per famiglie, imprese e condomini aperto bando per sostituzione.
S&P Global ha contestualmente rivisto il threshold per il parametro FFO/Net Debt necessario per il mantenimento dell’attuale credit rating, portandolo dal precedente 25% al 24%.
Donatella Di Rosa, tra le testimoni del processo per la strage di Piazza della Loggia, ha fatto sapere di sentirsi «insicura», dopo avere annunciato il coinvolgimento di «personaggi potenti» nell'atte ...