Ottawa, Ont. – Softball Canada is pleased to announce the list of thirty-four (34) athletes who have been named to the 2025 Men’s National Team Athlete Pool.
Ottawa, Ont. – Softball Canada is thrilled to announce two individuals, Vanessa Kosteroski (Sask.) and Larissa Franklin (B.C.), to its Board of Directors.
Tournaments, which declare “winners”, are not recommended for children under 10 years old. Instead the Timbits Softball Program suggests hosting an end of season “Fun Day” or “Jamboree”. **It is ...
Traditionally, at the 5-10-year-old level, coaches are moms and dads with little or no coaching experience. The Learn to Coach clinic (Community Sport Initiation) offered through many ...
Learn to Play is a player centered program focusing on providing lots of physical activity and fun. The program, facilities and equipment are modified to be stage appropriate and delivered in an ...
What is Long-Term Player Development? Children and youth need to do the right things at the right time to develop in their sport or activity – whether they want to be softball players, hockey players, ...
Like any mechanic or craftsperson, an umpire has a variety of tools that can be used on the diamond. But, how do we ensure that our tools are always ready and that we have the right tool for every ...
Softball Canada takes immense pride in the effort devoted to creating Softball Canada’s rule book, and we are confident that our Officials Development Committee, will continue to elevate our ...
The Station-Based Program is one way to organize your Learn to Play softball sessions. This system works well when there are multiple groups holding their weekly sessions at the same time, or when ...
Attending Blue Convention since 1999 has allowed me to create great networks of people from across the country who share the same passion for umpiring softball that I hold. The event itself has always ...
Ask parents to complete a medical information form for each player prior to the season starting so that as the coach you are informed of any medical conditions a player has and how to treat it if ...
This section contains lesson plans that are designed to make it easy for coaches who have little or no experience coaching children to run an exciting and effective softball program for young children ...