የሶሪያ መሪ ባሻር አል አሳድ አገዛዝ ድንገተኛ አወዳደቅ፣ 14 ዓመታት ለሚጠጋ ጊዜ የተካሄደ አመፅ እና፣ በመቶ እና ሺሕዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎች የተገደሉበት፣ ከሀገሪቱ ሕዝብ ግማሽ የሚኾነው ...
“现在的老百姓,失业的,破产的……在这种背景下,出了个‘三孩政策’,已经实行了三年,基本属于流产。年轻人不结婚,结了婚我也不要孩子,因为孩子生下来,我养不起。” 在中国的政治空气越发风声鹤唳的当下,敢于接受美国之音采访的中国人少之又少。北京资深媒体人高瑜是个异数。 因为写作,高瑜三度获刑,几十年来受到的打压从未停止。今年,当局的打压来得更为猛烈。8月,她家中的宽带、手机、座机全部被切断,年已八旬的 ...
Dams have long been used to produce power and water for agriculture, but they can devastate river ecosystems. In a major victory for environmentalists and Native American communities, four aging ...
The first protests against Assad quickly spread across the country, and are met by security forces with a wave of arrests and shootings. Some protesters take up guns, and military units defect as the ...
Mariia Hlyten, de 22 años, es una estudiante y militante ucraniana. El amor por su patria está en todo lo que la rodea en su pequeña casa en Estados Unidos. Siempre ocupada, entre clases de ...