A child was killed and seven people were injured in a gas cylinder explosion in Chak district of central Maidan Wardak ...
ترینکوټ (پژواک، د مرغومي لومړۍ نېټه ۱۴۰۳): د اروزګان د مرکز ترینکوټ ښار یو شمېر اوسېدونکي شکایت کوي چې په دغه ښار کې بې‌نظمۍ ...
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The prices of Kazakh flour and gold declined, but the rates of other items stayed stable during the outgoing week in Kabul, ...
Hashmatullah Noori, an inhabitant of Chahar Burjak district who brought his ailing mother to the provincial hospital in Zaranj, grumbled about the presence of spurious and expired medicine in the ...
زرنج (پژواک، د مرغومي لومړۍ نېټه ۱۴۰۳): د نیمروز یو شمېر اوسېدونکي په داسې حال کې په ځینو درملتونونو کې د بې‌کیفیته درملو له ...
Moscow has claimed shooting down 19 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) over four different Russian regions and the Black Sea . .
At least two people have been killed and seven others injured in a traffic accident in the Surkh Rod district of eastern ...
The US Senate has given the go-ahead to a budget deal to prevent the maiden federal government shutdown in five years, the ...
کابل (پژواک، د مرغومې لومړۍ ۱۴۰۳): د ا.ا مشرتابه په یوه تازه فرمان کې سترې محکمې ته هدایت کړی چې په مرکز کې په خپلو اړوندو ...
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