The film is based on the Lego Ninjago toy line and television series, and is produced by the makers of The Lego Movie and The Lego Batman Movie. It is set in the fictional world of Ninjago ...
These sets are not to be taken seriously as they would never become official sets. These type of funny sets are referred to ...
In this video, we take a look at a ridiculous fake LEGO Ninjago set from NINJA Masrers of Spinjitzu (insert facepalm here).
Lego has worked with hundreds of other partners to translate the likes of Harry Potter, "Lord of the Rings," "Ghostbusters," ...
and the toy company will have a presence at future F1 auto racing events. Goldin said previous car products, including a McLaren Lego set, performed well at retail, giving Lego confidence to delve ...
So we have a list of 150 ranging from toys to stuffed animals to blankets to pajama pants, to hair clips, to body lotions, variety of stuff,” said Tracy Taton, the mother of the other set of ...
The partnership will also span Lego's digital platforms, and the toy company will have a presence at future F1 auto racing events. Goldin said previous car products, including a McLaren Lego set ...