Your son's undescended testis and hydrocele may have been detected at ... It is not dangerous and does not need surgery before the age of two unless the testicle on that side is also undescended.
In boys who, before starting puberty, undergo radical treatments that can affect their fertility, testicular tissue can be ...
Erectile dysfunction (ED) and testosterone deficiency (TD) are more common among men with testicular cancer, a new study finds. In a study of US male veterans, investigators matched 1754 patients with ...
Ingrown nail surgery is the removal of a nail, or a portion of a nail, that is covered by skin and causing pain and/or infection. It may also involve the destruction of the nail bed itself. This may ...
A debridement is often performed along with a "wash out" procedure, often referred to as an irrigation. Therefore, many surgeons refer to this combination as an irrigation and debridement, or I&D.