Anime, originating in Japan, has long had a complicated relationship to race. In many early anime series, Black characters were almost entirely absent, and when they did appear — even later on in ...
Amon-Ra St. Brown apparently can't convince his brother to stay in Detroit during his team's historic playoff run. In their weekly episode of "The St. Brown Podcast" that released Wednesday ...
Anime characters are frequently defined by their desire and obsession, which makes them stand out as intense and memorable people. This is taken too far by some characters, who are obsessed with ...
Fortnite has introduced the Nemia skin, a new anime character that closely resembles Hatsune Miku, but is far more affordable.
Or sometimes we just love a funny dwarf who cooks a killer hotpot. Below are our critics' picks for the best anime characters of the year. God, I didn't think seeing a character with my kind of ...
Anime is a treasure trove of unique powers and bizarre abilities. After all, from a mundane superpower like flying to a strange ability like temporarily growing limbs on any object, anime has them ...
In anime, they’re generally used to offer emotional resonance to the narrative, like Master Roshi in Dragon Ball or Kakashi Hatake in Naruto. Such characters have traditionally wielded a ...
The series flashes forward a few years to focus on the new lead characters. High School student Yuzuriha Amate gets her hands on a state-of-the-art Gundam, the GQuuuuuuX, and joins an underground ...
Below you'll find Anime News Network's top 10 anime of the year, the characters that inspired us, the moments that we couldn't stop talking about, and the songs that are still on our playlists ...