Jujutsu Kaisen follows the story of Yuji Itadori, a teenager who becomes a vessel to a powerful sorcerer named Ryomen Sukuna by eating one of the dark sorcerer's fingers. To avoid execution ...
Ryomen Sukuna Is JJK's Strongest Villain Sukuna Put On A Show in JJK's Shinjuku Showdown Sukuna was the greatest power in JJK. Fans knew him to be the King of Curses and the strongest sorcerer in ...
Jujutsu Kaisen follows Yuji Itadori, who, after swallowing the cursed object, Sukuna’s Finger, is sentenced to death by the higher-ups at Jujutsu High. With enough strength to control the evil ...
Ryomen Sukuna is the central antagonist of Jujutsu Kaisen, and much like his title in the series, he has done some vile things that some might even consider heartless and disgusting. Before ...
Yuta Okkotsu isn’t just a top tier DPS unit in Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade. He’s also an excellent support-style utility character who can really carry your team through the game’s hardest ...
I’ll get right into it. The best team you can make right now in Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade consists of Satoru Gojo (The Strongest), Masamichi Yaga (Ariadne’s Thread Educator), Megumi ...
Bisa dibilang, ini adalah bocoran desain yang "paling dekat" dengan wujud asli, lantaran sudah berbentuk unit perangkat, bukan sekadar render gambar desain 2D/3D. Meskipun, perangkat dummy ini masih ...
If you can’t get enough of Jujutsu Kaisen, you can get your anime fix in Jujutsu Chronicles. You’ll dash around, fling abilities, and look super cool while doing it. Naturally, there is a ...
Menurut dia, upaya pemilihan kepala daerah dengan cara yang kotor bukan wujud asli dari demokrasi di Indonesia. AHY menegaskan momen Pilkada ini seharusnya dapat memberikan kemajuan bagi Indonesia ...
December 6, 2024: We have checked and added ten new Jujutsu Piece codes. What are the new Jujutsu Piece codes? To better master the various fruits, techniques, weapons, fighting styles ...