The legendary studio revolutionized the gaming landscape with the release of the Worms and Alien Breed series in the 1990s, and came into being after the merger of 17-Bit Software and Team 7. One of ...
"It's opening up a giant can of worms if you start to consider that CTE ... "Off the field or away from the game contributions and/or situations (positive or negative) are not to be considered ...
Throwback shooters are great and all, but if you want a reminder of where all great FPSes ultimately came from, the original Doom and Doom 2 are still excellent games in their own rights.
While I love my collection, I also think it's important to experiment with new devices that can perform the same tricks, as not everyone can afford original systems and physical games. That's why ...
I’ve reviewed more than a thousand different consumer electronics products including headphones, speakers, TVs, and every major game system and VR headset of the last decade. I’m an ISF ...
If your parents ever disparaged your video game obsession as a huge waste of time, they're either a) out of touch or b) lacking in vision. That may sound overly harsh, but there's some truth in ...
The Game Boy Advance was an important next step for Nintendo, with the original and SP models paving the way for the best DS games – and a few years later, the best 3DS games – that would ...
Some may say we are in a renaissance of video game adaptations as we've been treated to The Super Mario Bros. Movie, another Sonic the Hedgehog film, and TV series based on The Last of Us and ...
The Original Sin opening credits are not exactly a shot-for-shot re-creation of the original series’ iconic version, but it’s pretty darn close — from bloodied breakfast to that knowing ...
“What else are you gonna do?” The members of the Stumptown Gamecrafters' Guild meetup every Monday to test and improve their original games and to build community. Jess Hazel / OPB He also ...