As New York car insurance premiums soar, more motorists are hunting for affordable policies—or skipping coverage entirely.
Across the country, whether it’s about skyrocketing costs or access to care, there seems to be wide agreement that health ...
LexisNexis has released version 6 of its case management system Lexis Visualfiles to create a Microsoft Azure & Everyfile ...
You can’t hit what you can’t see.” This is as true for crime as it was for Muhammad Ali, and in the case of lenders battling ...
This week on IPWatchdog Unleashed I speak with my long-time friend, John White. Many in the patent community no doubt already ...
then the repair is child’s play and can be done quickly. However, if the cable core, i.e. the cable inside, is also damaged, it is a little more complicated. We only recommend such repairs to ...
For decades, healthcare experts said giving patients 'skin in the game' through deductibles and co-pays yields better results ...
Winner-take-all is the electoral software that generates two dominant parties and relegates third parties to playing the role ...
Restoring America's financial stability requires economic growth, cutting spending, and ending waste and fraud in the federal budget.