The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) is a Partnership between the Government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank conceived in the wake of the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. It was ...
For the uninitiated, sorting one's rubbish can be a convoluted process in Japan - a country that boasts one of the world's strictest waste disposal rules. But in the city of Fukushima, things are ...
Der Mond ist Analysen zufolge zwischen 80 und 180 Millionen Jahre älter als bislang angenommen. Wie ein Trio von Forschenden aus den USA, Frankreich und Deutschland berichtet, heizte die ...
Die eingeschlossenen radioaktiven Isotope beginnen zu zerfallen, die geologische Uhr zu ticken. „Der starke Vulkanismus dürfte die geologische Uhr des Mondes neu gestartet und somit verstellt haben“, ...
Japan ranked 29th for labor productivity among the 38 member countries of the OECD, according a survey by the Japan Productivity Center released Monday. Japan's per-hour productivity in 2023 came ...
Parliament on Tuesday enacted the government's ¥13.9 trillion ($90 billion) supplementary budget for fiscal 2024 to finance the first comprehensive economic policy package under Prime Minister ...
NASA/Caltech-JPL/SwRI Selbst wenn es auf dem Vulkanmond einen tiefer liegenden Magmaozean gibt, kann er nicht die Quelle des Vulkanismus sein, wie Bolton und seine Kollegen erklären. Denn damit ...
(AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato, File) Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] BANGKOK (AP) — A quarterly survey by Japan’s central bank shows business sentiment has improved ...
TOKYO, Dec 13 (Reuters) - Japan's core consumer price inflation probably accelerated in November, driven by persistently high rice prices and the phasing out of utility subsidies, a Reuters poll ...