In the Latvian capital, pagan traditions are closely observed to mark the winter solstice — but there’s also a creative, ...
Valsts departamenta paziņojumā pausts, ka Vašingtona aptur ASV un Gruzijas stratēģiskās partnerības vienošanos. Protesti pret ES iestāšanās sarunu apturēšanu sākās ceturtdien, kad Gruzijas ...
A small tweak to Google Maps on Android Auto has a big impact on the usability of incident reporting when it comes to reporting police activity. After several years exclusive to mobile apps ...
Google Maps is the go-to navigation service that many of us use on a daily basis. Whether it's navigating to offices, finding a new café, or using Google Maps for long journeys to new destinations, it ...
The Old Town Street, about a hundred meters long from Arsenal Street to Jékab Street, was formed in the second half of the 16th century in the territory of the former Catholic monastery of Mary ...
In the mid-1930s, it was named Boulevard on 11 November in memory of the November 1919 battles in the defence of Riga against troops of Bermondt's Western White Guard Volunteer Army, supported by the ...