The output is then filtered to get a 73 MHz output signal. Of course ... sources of noise introduced by tubes or transistors. This has made the amplifier useful for things like radar and space ...
The first transistor was ... Each time the input signal shoves more holes into the germanium, it changes the way current flows across the crystal -- the output current instantly gets larger ...
Figure 4: Interdigitated cell layout for RF power transistor. The most critical parasitic capacitance for the gain is between collector and base. In a vertical RF power transistor, the silicon ...
Figure 1 shows a variation on a sine wave oscillator, it uses just two transistors ... around Q2 is an inverting amplifier, with an unloaded gain set by R8/R7. D1 and D2 together with R8 form a ...
The 303’s ‘triples’ transistor output configuration solved the thermal instability issues that plagued early transistor amplifier designs ... the audio signal path is totally analog.