But people who mistakenly travel without a valid ticket are being treated too harshly, according to the rail watchdog.
Calls have been made for a ‘yellow card’ system for train passengers after cases of users being prosecuted over small amounts ...
Focus urged all operators in Britain to introduce a so-called yellow card system to "make things fairer for everyone" ...
Transport Focus has urged all rail operators in Britain to introduce the system after a spate of passengers being prosecuted ...
A watchdog issued a formal warning to passengers who are caught without a ticket on a train to handle first-time offenders.As ...
The standard paper ticket, as issued by booking offices ... Prevention, in the form of more barriers at stations. The rail watchdog says: “The industry should demonstrate to passengers that ...
Train passengers caught travelling without a ticket should be let off with a “yellow card” warning for a first offence, a ...
Richard Branson's Virgin group wants to launch a challenger to Eurostar - experts believe slashed prices and a London to ...
A watchdog believes train passengers without tickets should be given a warning for their first offence and only face consequences after the ...
Trade union members have held a series of demonstrations against plans to cut ticket office opening hours at stations across Inverclyde.