It has been more than a week since reports first emerged about a “glowing ring of metal” that fell from the sky and crashed ...
A new analysis of the 6,000-year-old stone circle known as Rujm el-Hiri (also Gilgal Refaim) in Golan Heights suggests that ...
Researchers investigate medieval pyrophyllite discs in Ukraine, which may have served as tools, ritual objects, or even navigation devices.
An international study reveals how early humans, as far back as 1.5 million years ago, deliberately selected specific stones ...
Often said to possess a reddish hue, there were many hints that orichalcum might be a form of brass – an alloy of copper and ...
Sadly, some of the strongest characters that stand out in the books didn't make it into any of the Harry Potter movies.
The "Dragon Houses" of Euboea, mysterious megalithic structures dating to ancient Greece's Preclassical period, continue to ...
The worst movie MacGuffins of all time include the Mother Boxes in Justice League and Antimatter in Angels and Demons.