as the Mega Millions jackpot rises ahead of Friday night's drawing. It is now the seventh-largest jackpot ever. The last jackpot was won on Sept. 10. A single winner from Texas won an $800 million ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — A Central Texas woman is describing something most people only have nightmares about — sitting on her toilet in the middle of the night and being bitten by a snake. She’s got the ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — A Central Texas woman is describing something most people only have nightmares about — sitting on her toilet in the middle of the night and being bitten by a snake. She’s got ...
The woman, named Maria Jaimes from Cedar Creek, Texas, sat down on the toilet in the pitch black, only to find a snake lurking in her toilet. The snake, which was coiled beneath the seat of the ...
A Central Texas woman is describing something most people only have nightmares about -- sitting on her toilet in the middle of the night and being bit by a snake. She's got the photos to prove it.