New research suggests that the earliest dinosaurs may have originated in equatorial regions of Gondwana, encompassing the ...
The mystery of dinosaur origins has taken an unexpected turn toward the equator. While paleontologists have long searched ...
Explore the mysterious origins of dinosaurs, tracing their evolution back to the arid, low-latitude regions of Gondwana, ...
The remains of the earliest dinosaurs may lie undiscovered in the Amazon and other equatorial regions of South America and Africa, suggests a new study.
The remains of the earliest dinosaurs may lie undiscovered in the Amazon and other equatorial regions of South America and ...
Ini penjelasan bagaimana proses pembentukan Bumi, mulai dari teori Big Bang hingga pembentukan atmosfer dan kehidupan. Temukan berbagai teori selengkapnya! - Teori fungsionalisme adalah salah satu teori mendasar dalam sosiologi. Teori ini membahas peran setiap elemen dalam masyarakat. Teori fungsionalisme sosiologi menekankan bagaimana setiap ...
Evidence showed that dinosaurs originated in the southern part (Gondwana) of the supercontinent and headed to the northern half (Laurasia) over millions of years, before the infamous asteroid ...
“Therefore, we hypothesize that non-sauropodan sauropodomorph genera survived and rapidly radiated in Laurasia, especially China.” In other words, early sauropodomorphs declined in Gondwana ...