Tasmania has a way of wedging politicians between industry and the environment, between jobs and endangered species — with Labor and Liberal strategists well aware of the votes which are at stake.
Australia is a land like no other. The world’s smallest continent and largest island, it’s a vast place that guarantees its ...
Editor's note: This story was originally published in 2023. Who wants to see an owl? Who wants to hear an owl? Who wants to build homes for an owl? Who? Who? Who? One of the best ways to do that ...
A snowy owl was spotted swooping into Shirley Chisholm State Park over the holiday weekend — marking its first appearance in the Big Apple in years. The rare sighting drove hordes of curious ...
One of the smallest owls in North America, the northern saw-whet lives among us and is rarely seen—but one volunteer science project aims to find them and uncover their secrets year after year ...
Former Tasmanian Supreme Court judge Gregory Geason pleaded guilty to breaching an AVO. Picture: NewsWire / John Appleyard The court was told the charge related to communication “with someone ...
Sharp-eyed Patton had spotted a basking eastern screech owl at the entrance to its roost hole 30 feet up in a giant sycamore. I found myself in the area on Dec. 22 and stopped by on a sunny but ...
Some rare Arctic birds are creating a surge of fascination for many along the Jersey Shore. Snowy owls have been showing up on sand dunes and rooftops in recent weeks along the coast and it's ...
The RSPCA is examining whether the former owners of Tasmania's largest puppy farm can be criminally prosecuted following an ABC report that aired concerns from former workers on the treatment of ...
Sharp-eyed Patton had spotted a basking eastern screech owl at the entrance to its roost hole 30 feet up in a giant sycamore. I found myself in the area on Dec. 22 and stopped by on a sunny but frosty ...
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. Flying slowly and ...
“It’s one of the most beautiful and distinct owls in the world,” David Barrett, a birder and founder of Manhattan Bird Alert, told The Post. “It’s the owl from Harry Potter — Hedwig.