EXCLUSIVE: The series adaptation of Nyaight of the Living Cat will be led by executive director Takashi Miike, who has helmed titles like Audition, Ichi the Killer and 13 Assassins. Adapted from ...
19 Dec – GACKT has been confirmed to make an appearance in TV Asahi Drama "The Unfettered Shogun" in January. The singer will ...
The main protagonist of the series, Kunagi, is a huge cat person, but is forced to fight his urge to cuddle with the cats he encounters so that he doesn’t turn into one. The premise is ...
It's a brand new year and Netflix keeps on delivering great entertainment for subscribers. Find out all the new and original TV series / movies in January 2025. There are so many movies opening ...
Nyaight of the Living Cat, Grisaia Phantom Trigger, Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK among the titles revealed at the CCXP ...
After several years spent working almost exclusively in the direct-to-video world of V-cinema in Japan, Takashi Miike announced himself as a world-class filmmaking talent with this trio of ...
"Box", directed by Miike Takashi of Japan. The first film "Dumplings" was extended and turned into a full-length theatrical film of the same name.
EXCLUSIVE: The series adaptation of Nyaight of the Living Cat will be led by executive director Takashi Miike, who has helmed titles like Audition, Ichi the Killer and 13 Assassins. Adapted from ...