The Movie has brought the beloved Nickelodeon show back in a new form and given a fresh spin to this superhero universe.
Wonder Woman, The Avengers, and Chronicle are among the best and most essential superhero movies of the 2010s.
Our pick for the one Amazon Prime Video movie you need to watch in January is a Ben Stiller comedy that set the table for the ...
For every Avenger or Justice Leaguer that makes it to the big screen, there are just as many superhero movie characters who ...
Throughout the history of superhero movies, there have been some casting decisions that proved to turn out much differently ...
It became the highest-grossing movie of all time, holding that title for a full two years. In India, the film sold about 1 ...
The old is new again with these reboots and remakes coming to theaters in 2025. While 2025 might be a new year, it will have ...
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj is all set to start his film Irumbu Kai Mayavi. But with an unexpected change. Read on to learn ...
Invincible announces new cast members for Season 3. These fresh additions are Simu Liu, Aaron Paull, Kate Mara, and more.
Further details about casting and release remain unconfirmed. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron movie cast could reunite Patty Jenkins and Chris Pine Chris Pine is reportedly being considered for the lead ...
Doing the rounds to promote Severance season 2, Adam Scott has admitted he's unsure about a return to the comic book movie ...