In Jujutsu Kaisen, the complex relationship between Megumi Fushiguro and Sukuna reveals a dramatic turn of events. It gives good ground to speculate on the potential abilities that Megumi could ...
Cho Hyun-ju, better known as Player 120, has been receiving some much-deserved appreciation from fans of Squid Game lately, ...
While not everyone in Jujutsu Kaisen cursed energy, the strongest characters have dangerous techniques and high levels of ...
Jujutsu Kaisen's anime is an especially strong showing from MAPPA, with their Juju Strolls, or post-credit scenes, as a special highlight.
Why the U.S. economy is still strong despite the Fed’s 2022-’23 rate hikes Effect of rate hikes ‘has been much weaker than the economics textbook would have predicted,’ according to ...