Because they are so effective, the humble bucktail jig is one of the most popular artificialbaits in the world.
Texas rigs and Viper XP jigs on big wood slow in 5-7 feet. Report by Marc Mitchell, Lake Fork Guide Service. Cooler water so the bass will be deeper. Black bass are slow in 5-10 feet. Some smaller ...
Delta stripers and sturgeon bites rebounding, Alan Fong said. McClure Reservoir bass and trout on solid bites, Dylan Bos ...
Delta sturgeon biting, Steve Mitchell reported. Don Pedro bass and trout hitting, Monte Smith said. McClure bass small but ...
and a tackle box with small ice jigs ready for action. / Joe Shead If you can, watch down the hole or use an underwater camera to observe how bass react to your presentation. Keep it moving slow ...
Bass are good and can be caught in grass 5-10 feet with Texas rig worms, wacky rig senko and lipless crankbaits. Crappie are slow on small jigs over deep brush 25 feet. Report by Reagan Nelson ...
Ice fishing solidifies its hold on Chicago fishing to lead this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report.
Working jigs or plastics on a Carolina- or Texas-rig on a dead-stick presentation remains the most consistent technique. Hensley remains very slow for largemouth bass with catfish or carp your ...
Here is latest Fishing Report as provided by Texas Parks and Wildlife for Jan. 4 Big Bend Region Amistad FAIR. Water normal stain; 68 degrees; 65.79 feet below pool. Black bass are fair on main lake ...
Don Pedro bass fishing solid, and McClure spots hungry, Ryan Denner said. Bass Lake trout hitting, Mike Beighey reported. Kaweah trout plants producing limits, Copes Tackle said. Rankings key below: 4 ...