A Hutto father and his kids are making signs to get drivers to slow down. He says that he started this last year after noticing drivers zooming by as he was dropping his kids off at school.
Surveillance video shows drivers disregard the signs and lights. At one point the crossing guard is in the road when a van plows through the crosswalk.
She said even if a driver does find out about a citation weeks after the infraction, that’s still a deterrent, because the speeder ultimately gets the message to slow down near schools. "I really hope ...
The need for fast change is at odds with the collaboration, reflection and evidence-based practice that is needed in order to promote equity in our schools. It is time to slow down.
A driver doing 106km/h in a 50km/h zone close to a primary school ... on the M1 near Lusk, Co. Dublin and another driving 131km/h in a 100km/h zone on the N15 Co. Donegal. Slow down!