Perry, the beloved real-life stand-in for the “Shrek” donkey voiced by Eddie Murphy, has died. He was 30. The donkey’s ...
The tenth installment of Netflix's Ranma 1/2, "Kiss of Death," was yet another fantastic episode for the season. One of my favorite characters finally makes an appearance. And of course ...
The inspiration for Eddie Murphy's beloved donkey from the Shrek movies has died. Although Murphy is 100 percent responsible for the personality of the donkey (just named "Donkey") the appearance of ...
The actress, 35, looked laid back as she sat down for dinner during the winter escape, covering her mouth with her phone.
Pluto and Charon may have formed through a “kiss and capture” mechanism, with the two icy bodies colliding and becoming ...
Two Missouri police officers refused to help a dying suicide victim because their shift was about to end, according to ...
Overturning decades of assumptions about how Charon formed, researchers have revealed an entirely new form of cosmic collision.
On January 7th, 2018, Twitter user @cooltop [1] posted an image macro of Shrek taking a photograph with the caption "*SNAP* / Yep. This one's going in my cringe compilation," describing it as an image ...
Selena Gomez’s first kiss was filmed for the Disney Channel, but the actress’s first one in her personal life was actually years later. The Emilia Pérez actress spoke to W magazine about that ...
Zara McDermott seemingly hinted she had split from boyfriend Sam Thompson in two separate Instagram post days before their ...