Doctor Slump is a heartwarming romantic comedy that cleverly explores the journey of two individuals, Nam Ha Neul and Yeo Jeong Woo, both experiencing slumps in their careers and personal lives.
As more and more K-dramas debut for U.S. viewers, it is becoming harder to choose which to watch. Here are a few favorites ...
K-dramas have championed the romance genre with their heartwarming tales, year after year. In 2024, the mush fest continued ...
Untold Melody has released a series of stills capturing the innocence and excitement of first love. The fantasy romance ...
K-dramas offered us some great stories in 2024. With strong women characters and plots centered around them, several ...
Also featured are reporter Woo Ji Kwang (Choi Dae Chul), who helped expose Ohjeong Group’s corruption, Choi Hwa Ran’s ...