Learn about the link between sedentary jobs and poor sleep patterns. Find out how nontraditional schedules and work habits ...
A restless night may leave you feeling tired at work, but what if your job is the very thing disrupting your sleep?
Leading a sedentary lifestyle does not promote health. Though definitions vary, sitting for four or more hours a day is ...
People with highly sedentary jobs may face an increased risk of insomnia, affecting productivity and well-being. A study ...
Osteoarthritis is no longer just a disease of the elderly. A combination of sedentary lifestyles, poor diets, obesity, and ...
The study observed that modern job characteristics can directly affect the natural circadian rhythm of the body.
Dr. Apoorva Shrivastava, CEO & Founder of Resolve360, shares her expertise on the importance of physiotherapy in addressing ...
Background Sedentary behaviour is detrimental to health, even in those who achieve recommended levels of physical activity. Efforts to increase physical activity in older people so that they reach ...
California gastroenterologist Dr. Saurabh Sethi has called out three popular drinks that increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Sedentary jobs that involve long hours of sitting, poor posture, lack of exercise, and obesity are some of the reasons behind ...
After getting a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis, you may experience anxiety and depression. Here are some ways to manage ...