The "sandwich generation" refers to adults caring both for older parents and children. And the number of those caregivers is ...
A growing number of Americans are joining the "sandwich generation" — adults caring for both younger children and aging ...
Sandwich carers—those who care for both children and aging relatives—face significant mental and physical health declines, ...
Caring for ageing parents and children at the same time takes a ‘significant’ toll on health, a study has found. Being a ‘sandwich carer’ with both older and younger dependents causes a ...
Mid-life carers juggling responsibilities for both children and aging parents face poor mental and physical health, a ...
"Sandwich generation" caregivers-those who care for children and older family members- face declines in their own mental and physical health.
People who care for both their children and older family members -- also known as 'sandwich carers' -- suffer from deterioration in both their mental and physical health over time, finds a new study.
Parents juggling the responsibilities of caring for both ageing relatives and young children suffer from poorer mental and ...
Mum-of-10 Tracee Schaeffer wakes up at 4am to enjoy some peace and quiet before starting a full day of tasks and chores raising her children - which includes making their lunch at 5am ...