That is until we got an Ooni Koda 16 Pizza Oven. We’d been dancing around buying one for a while (it is a big investment, after all) but finally bought one after one too many rubbery ...
Ghana lost some prominent personalities in the entertainment industry, including musicians and actors. Among those lost were gospel singer KODA, actress Little Mercy Smith, and skit maker C Confion ...
The new character Koda- aka Snow Fox launched in OB47 Update has the ability to spot enemy locations within his line of sight while parachuting. Koda’s aurora vision power grants him a temporary speed ...
Nädalavahetusel nautis jõulukuningannaks tituleeritud lauljatar Mariah Carey (55) Ameerika Ühendriikides Colorados asuva suusalinna Aspeni võlusid. Ta ei teinud seda üksi, vaid nautis jõulueelset aega ...
Teiseks saab noor sõidumees rohkem autot tundma õppida. Kui oma baasis võivad tiimid katsetada nii palju, kui süda lustib, on ametlike testipäevade arv kogu satsi peale aastas vaid 21. Loodud skeemiga ...