Rurouni Kenshin is considered a top anime series, with a sequel manga called The Hokkaido Arc. Despite breaks due to the author's health, the Hokkaido Arc is set to return in Spring 2025.
There are no showtimes for Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning. You can stream it or buy it on digital platforms below. Collection of the live-action adaptation of the Rurouni Kenshin comic series.
Watsuki first launched his 28-volume Rurouni Kenshin manga in Shueisha 's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1994. The manga has more than 72 million copies in circulation worldwide. The manga centers ...
Rurouni Kenshin is a heavily popular anime with an ... It's apparent from the very beginning of who's going to win. The music reflects this as well. Instead of the type of music you'd expect ...
Adapting the Kyoto Arc, season 2 will focus on the titular character Kenshin Himura as he makes his way to and fights through Kyoto. He will battle some of Makoto Shishio’s forces along the way ...
Only one man stands in their way: Rurouni Kenshin. Will the former assassin take up his sword to fight again? When Shigure discovers Kenshin's true identity and his fight becomes a personal ...
followed by "Rurouni Kenshin Saishusho: The Beginning" on Aug. 7. "The Final" is based on the final "Jinchu" (punishment by people) story arc of the original manga by Nobuhiro Watsuki, featuring ...