Looking for some quality blue cheese alternatives to Roquefort cheese? We gathered up several recommendations from a ...
Similar to the love story of Gorgonzola, legend says that Roquefort was born when a distracted shepherd left his cheese in a cave, only to return days later to find it transformed by blue-green mold.
Grocer.] The preparation and maturing of Roquefort cheese are the most elaborate, careful, and interesting of all cheese-manufacturing processes. In its rich color and blue vein marbling ...
A study by Cambridge-based firm Lycotec found anti-inflammatory properties in the potent and luxurious blue cheese ... consumption of Roquefort and other moulded, fermented cheese such as ...
AFTER gorging on turkey and pigs in blankets, now is the time to bring out the cheeseboard. However, even a small cube can add hundreds of calories to your festive total. Dietitian Emma Shafqat, ...
Using a rubber spatula, fold in the Roquefort cheese and parsley until well incorporated. Season to taste with salt and pepper. (Published 2002) ...
although these are less numerous than in other blue cheeses such as gorgonzola or roquefort. Small holes in the rind of the cheese itself are nothing to worry about: they indicate where mould was ...