Two regions in the left hemisphere of the brain, which are crucial for language, are different in people who are good at ...
A thinner, more efficient cortex with larger surface areas and increased myelination likely underlies the left-hemispheric ...
Recent research highlights a decline in reading for enjoyment, with significant portions of the population, especially ...
The impact was visible in the structure of two regions in the left hemisphere, which are crucial for language.
Humans and other primates are innately able to perceive fine details, vibrant colors and focus their attention on specific ...
The winter solstice is the culmination of a period every year when each cell in our body literally craves more light ...
The magazine's most-read articles of the year included a close-up look at the adorable yet venomous pygmy slow loris, a ...
Dolphins are increasingly present off the Palos Verdes coast, providing a closer glimpse of one of the ocean’s most ...