Recently, during an outing with his wife, Radhika Merchant, Anant sported an extraordinary piece — the Richard Mille RM 52-04 "Skull" Blue Sapphire, one of the world’s rarest watches.
Anant Ambani broke all records of luxury, and picked out a stunning Richard Mille RM 52-04 Skull Blue Sapphire ... This stunning timepiece is rumoured to be prices at USD 2,625,000 which is ...
The jaw-dropping price tag of Richard Mille RM 52-04 is due to the fact that the watch is carved from a single piece of sapphire. Additionally, the sapphire has a pirate skull and crossbones ...
Anant Ambani recently wore the Richard Mille RM 52-04 Skull Blue Sapphire watch ... is a Swiss watchmaking brand known for its high prices and exclusive designs. It has become a status symbol ...