The latest test score data shows a continued decline in reading proficiency among Nebraska students post-pandemic, mirroring ...
For the second time, Louisiana’s 4th graders led the nation in reading growth on the NAEP exam, a test given every two years ...
The nation's young people scored an average 5 points lower in reading than kids who tested before the COVID-19 pandemic in ...
Baltimore City students are performing below average in math and reading compared to other students in large cities, ...
New national test scores indicate a continuing slide in reading skills.
New federal test results show the state’s middle and elementary students still lag far behind in reading and math.
Test administrators determined that none of Colorado’s average score results represented a significant change from average ...
The state’s 8th-grade reading score was below the national average for the first time since 2015, and its 8th-grade math ...
Kids now don't have the joy for reading they once did, and teachers have changed the way they teach writing in the digital ...
That is one bright spot: Idaho fourth and eighth graders had higher proficiency rates than their national peers in reading ...
The test, also known as the Nation’s Report Card, is administered to fourth and eighth grade students across the nation, ...
The percentage of eighth graders who have “below basic” reading skills according to NAEP was the largest it has been in the ...