The animated film was initially set to release in theatres with new dubs in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu alongside its original ...
Cecilia Tomko has been a teacher and has written songs and even a musical, but getting further than about 30 pages was the longest literary writing she had done before 2023. The Butler transplant ...
Her new novella, “Rosarita,” takes place in Mexico, a country she finds so like her native India that, she says, “I feel ...
Presented as a translation of an out-of-print Japanese text, this National Book Award-winning metafictional novel takes place ...
and another of her best-selling books is set to come to the big screen: Verity. The novel follows Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer on the brink of financial ruin that accepts a job offer that will ...
Hindu mythology is full of stories most of which are intriguing. These 9 books are inspired from the lives of our gods but ...