Second-grader Dev recently visited Shakhari Bazar in Old Dhaka with his father to purchase kites for the upcoming Shakrain festival. Although Dev does not yet know how to fly kites, his excitement ...
A group of children in western Japan have gathered to try out their hand-made kites in a competition. About 60 people, including school kids and their parents, attended the 48th annual kite-flying ...
A monkey in Varanasi gained internet fame by attempting to fly a kite, captivating viewers with its human-like hand movements. The viral video has amassed over 452k views. This amusing incident ...
The team of quantum experts have developed a device known as a maser which uses a specially created purple diamond to amplify weak microwave signals, such as those which can come from deep space.
Scientists from UNSW have designed an innovative maser device based on purple diamonds. It will have the potential to boost weak microwave signals originating from distant celestial objects or ...
It seems like a science fiction MacGuffin: it uses a purple diamond in a quartz tube exposed to an intense magnetic field. The system creates a maser, the microwave equivalent of a laser.
1. International Kite Festival, Gujarat, India: This festival is one of the biggest kite festivals in the world, attracting thousands of kite enthusiasts from around the globe ...
At the core of the 'Room-Temperature Solid-State Maser Amplifier' is a specially synthesised purple diamond that can boost weak microwaves by a factor of 1,000. Led by experimental physicist ...
Kite flying is a surprisingly meditative activity, combining physical movement with mental focus. This ancient art form provides a unique blend of tranquility and exhilaration. For novices ...
It seems like a science fiction MacGuffin: it uses a purple diamond in a quartz tube exposed to an intense magnetic field. The system creates a maser, the microwave equivalent of a laser.
With some Scotch tape and a little creativity, it’s possible to create sheets of diamond up to five centimeters wide and as less than a micrometer thick, a team of researchers reports December ...