Tumbler has finally launched Tumblr TV as a new tab at the top of its app, the company said today in a brief set of update notes spotted by TechCrunch. Tumblr TV first debuted as a GIF-finding feature ...
Netflix gained a record number of new subscribers in the fourth quarter. The ads plan has over 70 million worldwide users.
Ahead of the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) in March, the organization behind the event released its latest annual survey ...
Gerhard Hanke Will Assume the Role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) for Central & East, Following Solveig Menard-Galli's Resignation Dagmar Steinert has Been Appointed CFO, Succeeding Gerhard Hanke as ...
Given the dismal state of things, a lot of millennials have been realising just how good they had it growing up. The web ...
Given the dismal state of things, a lot of millennials have been realising just how good they had it growing up. The web ...
One popular mod is Create, which introduces complex machinery and automation to the title. It allows players to build working ...