The Delhi Police has arrested three active members of the Tillu Tajpuriya-Parvesh Maan gang and recovered two pistols, a revolver, and 39 live cartridges from them.
The Murrieta Police Department said the man 'clearly' meant to say he was 'the DD [designated driver' on New Year's Day.
Two men were arrested in Sweetwater on Saturday for multiple vehicle burglaries.According to the Sweetwater Police Department,Billy Martin and Bryce Long were ...
A statue dedicated to fallen police officers in Fall River has been vandalized, and Fall River police are looking for a ...
Two juveniles accused of killing a MARTA driver over bus fare will remain in police custody after they were charged with murder and denied bond.
A Nashua, N.H. man was ordered held without bail Monday after he allegedly fought with two officers as they tried to place him in custody, causing one to be shot in the leg, authorities said.
Darci Bass was in a convenience store when in walked Matthew Edgar, out on bail while charged with the murder of Bass' ...
His roommate, Johnny Rankin Morris, 46, of Cimmaron Hills, was arrested in Pearl River County, Miss., on a warrant issued on ...
A woman in Georgia was arrested last week for allegedly neglecting her elderly and disabled mother so badly that the ...
Manchester Township, NJ – Five men, including Sandeep Kumar of New York and four others from Indiana, have been charged in ...
An arrest has been made in the case of a family in Brazil who were poisoned on Christmas Eve after eating a cake containing ...
Isaiah Lewis knocked on the door of one officer early Saturday morning, and proceeded toward a second officer's address when he was arrested.