With their bright orange colour and honey-sweet taste, persimmons are an autumn fruit that are found in several different ...
Persimmons aren't just a fiber powerhouse; they pack a serious nutritional punch in other areas too. These fruits are loaded ...
Taiwan’s persimmon growers are struggling, as changing weather and an ageing population pose a threat to the century-old ...
Persimmon tannins boast a high concentration of antioxidants, powerful agents that fight off free radicals - the unstable ...
The land area used for growing the fruit has shrunk to 4,700 hectares from more than 5,300 hectares a decade ago, and the ...
The cultural prominence of gotgam in Korea has a parallel in Iran's tradition of dried figs, particularly during Yalda Night, ...
Bare-root seedings will be provided to local residents as part of an onging effort to replenish the tree canopy.
Taiwanese persimmon farmer Lo Chih-neng stands on a ladder in his sprawling orchard using secateurs to cut the golden-yellow fruit still hanging from branches after enduring a tough season.
Persimmons Persimmons are a lesser-known winter fruit and it is rich in fiber, Vitamin A, potassium and the fruit helps in improving digestive health and the overall immune system.