Evento começa na próxima terça-feira e vai até 1º de fevereiro, com filmes, oficinas, jogos e outras atrações. A entrada é gratuita ...
“É preciso que cada um seja ativo e atuante, para celebrarmos, em conjunto, a festa da vida, na Eucaristia, que escuta a Palavra de Deus ... com a instalação de uma Catequese Mural, nos painéis das ...
Para o presidente da Famurs e ex-prefeito de Barra do Rio Azul, Marcelo Arruda, a obra busca retratar “o bem mais precioso do Estado, que são as pessoas”. “Este mural é uma homenagem aos ...
New murals featuring the Red Arrows, squirrels and an astronaut dog have been painted on the walls of the children's ward at Jersey General Hospital. Robin ward is a 13 bedded paediatric unit ...
Iniciativa faz parte de mais uma edição do projeto infantil de educação ambiental "Ecoarte", onde as crianças farão juntas uma grande pintura, que permitirá que elas expressem ideias e ...
The Abergeldie sea trawler was painted by Eddie Rowley in 1956 A previously lost mural has been returned to the walls of the pub it was originally painted on almost 70 years ago. The image of sea ...
Jentzen painted some of the city’s most recognizable murals: So many, he can’t remember them off the top of his head, or where they all are, he said. Art isn’t a matter of choice for him ...
But now a man who got the secretive artist to work with children at a youth club in the late 1990s has given the BBC an exclusive insight into the man behind the murals, just as he was about to ...
Genevieve Bookwalter/Sun-Times Share The Edgewater branch of Chicago Public Library no longer wears sad beige after a colorful mural — covering almost the entire facade — was installed this fall.
Fernando Valenzuela died Tuesday, the same day L.A. artist Robert Vargas started a mural honoring the Dodgers legend. He says, ‘Now it takes on even a greater meaning.’ Oct. 23, 2024 The ...
"Sam" Bissette. Installed the year the mall opened in 1979, the large mosaic murals, which look almost like giant watercolor paintings (which they were in fact based on), depict such iconic ...
Num artigo publicado no Jornal de Notícias na viragem do ano, intitulado "Portugal em movimento", o primeiro-ministro escreve que este é o ano para prosseguir "sem hesitações na construção ...