“Foltz Studio,” the educational outdoor painting show produced by Northwest Access Television, will air its second season starting Feb. 3. The show follows Foltz, a Highgate-native now living in the ...
On Thursday 27 February, a splash of creativity is heading to the North East with The Happy Little Paint Along.
Painting and Other Technologies, 1970-2020” takes over the museum’s fourth floor. A lot of the work is ugly, plenty of it is ...
The artist's vibrant, dizzying painting was the culmination of his New York period, and is his final completed work.
These nine scenic lake parks in Minnesota offer the ultimate retreat, combining breathtaking landscapes with the calming ...
Described as the UK's "best paint and wine night", Paint Vine's motto is: "Drink. Paint. Just don’t drink the paint." Learn ...
Warwick Valley Middle School eighth-grader Grayce Miceli won first place in the Middle School division of the annual Wallkill ...
With 17 regular albums and five prestige albums, we've got our (art)work cut out for us this sticker season in Monopoly Go ...
SpaceX launched its Starship rocket on its latest test flight Thursday, catching the booster back at the pad but losing ...
If portraiture is not your thing, you can follow a Bob Ross painting tutorial ... Nothing gets the heart racing like some ...
By the age of nine, he was hosting his first career gallery and was ... I mean, I walked in my studio this morning and I was just like looking at my paintings – there's a feeling.