Current local time in (PRC timezone). Get information about the PRC time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time in all cities/countries ...
Teeple was driving on N.C. Highway 152 near Brumley Road at about 10:10 a.m. on Sunday when a tree fell and hit his 1979 Chevrolet pickup truck while he was driving in heavy rain, Casey said. He died ...
1977 CESSNA 152, TT 11,015 Hrs, SMOH 938 Hrs Lycoming 0-235-L2L, King KX 155 Nav Comm, King KT76A Transponder, Garmin Aera 660 on Gizmo, Artex 406 ELT, Intervox Intercom, Commercially Maintained ...