Metro trash and recycling collection services will not be running on Friday due to the impending snowstorm, according to ...
With freezing weather, it is time to take necessary precautions to protect pipes, pets and plants, and check on elderly ...
Here are tips from ECUA: Insulate pipes or faucets in unheated areas ... pipes and the resulting water damage. Remember the backflow preventer: Residents and business owners who have backflow ...
What about outdoor faucets? Instead of letting those drip, ADEM recommends purchasing inexpensive and easy-to-install insulated covers. These cover protect your outdoor fixtures during very col ...
When a freeze warning is issued, it’s time to protect your faucets. In Southern states, many people take precautions ahead of the first cold front since outdoor faucets are typically unused ...
When a freeze warning is issued, it’s time to protect your faucets. In Southern states, many people take precautions ahead of the first cold front since outdoor faucets are typically unused ...
The city of Savannah is under a freeze warning until 1 a.m. Tuesday. Here are some preparations that the city has recommended that residents do to winterize water pipes. This cold front is ...
Las tuberías de agua pueden reventar si se congelan, por eso debe tomar algunas medidas de prevención para que eso no ocurra.(Besjunior / Getty Images/iStockphoto) Below-freezing temperatures ...